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“Aline and Jean-Louis have brought us the tools and the open confrontation to make us think hard about our future, to agree amongst ourselves on the major trends and domains that will open up and our contribution to society.
They enabled our Management Team to overcome our limiting assumptions. They helped us « stretch » our Imagination with a professional, pleasant and always constructive support. » Many thanks.  FYI, we just decided to launch two initiatives to continue working on two opportunities that came out of our workshops.  I expect teams to get staffed on this as of the start of next year.”

Filip Pintelon, CEO, Barco Medical, 2015

Hi Aline and Jean-Louis,

Happy New Year to you as well.
I don’t know if you have spoken to Jana or Filip lately. If not, then this email will make you happy.

Your coaching sessions were very intense, confronting at moments, and sometimes creating strong feelings both positive and negative. When the coaching ended we still felt puzzled about what to do with it and how to make sure we change our way of working instead of going back to business as usual. We are now several months later and guess what… (after many more discussions) everyone is now perfectly aligned that we need to start investing in new growth platforms and that the trends/directions we discovered during your coaching can not be ignored.

During the profit plan exercise late 2015 we have set aside a significant (several millions of EUR) budget to start two incubators in 2016. And now we are actually starting up these initiatives. Both of them are further refinements of things we worked on during your workshops. Both of them are very disruptive for us both from a competence/technology/service point of view as well as from business model point of view.

I am very enthusiastic about it. Now we have the mandate and the budget to really invest in these growth platforms. And we have no other choice anymore because we are under pressure to periodically report progress to the board (a good driver).
Anyway, I feel happy about where we are now. And I consider the fact that everyone’s nose went into the same direction (with some delay 😉 certainly a successful result of your coaching sessions. Thank you for that.

Tom Kimpe, Innovation & technology Director , Barco Medical,
7th January 2017

  • Entreprise privée internationale
  • Activité : Industrie de l’Imagerie médicale
  • Mission :15 jours de notre part, Préparation, facilitation et suivi inclus et 2 sessions de 2 jours avec eux entre mars et juillet 2015) : design et accompagnement du processus stratégique visant à activement inventer le Futur de l’entreprise. Output : des scénarios, des choix stratégiques, un portefeuille renouvelé de plateformes d’innovations. Voir ci-dessous
  • Contact : Filip Pintelon, CEO Barco Medical