“Aline and Jean-Louis have been great assets for our company in helping us to find our way into Innovation, new business models, and Lateral Thinking. They were deeply involved in our company and could work with people from all different backgrounds. Their main asset is I believe pushing people out of their boxes and think differently.”
André Desmet, CEO, Derbigum, 2012
- Fabriquant de membranes imperméables pour toiture
- Mission (2006-2008): design et accompagnement du processus stratégique visant à activement inventer le Futur de l’entreprise. Output : des scénarios, des choix stratégiques, un portefeuille renouvelé de plateformes d’innovations.
- Résultats : changement de métier, nouveaux revenus, (Turnover X5 en 5 ans)